You are currently viewing Bending the Curve – future of digital mental health post Covid-19 – webinar recording

Bending the Curve – future of digital mental health post Covid-19 – webinar recording

Our Bending the Curve webinar took place on 2 June, with a panel of expert speakers, including people with lived experience, CCIOs, clinicians, academics, designers and technologists.

The webinar a chance to hear from leading thinkers and doers in the field about what the future might hold for digital mental health during and beyond Covid-19 pandemic. 

We considered what we may want to leverage and what we may want to return to post-Covid. We will think about the future that we aspire to and concerns we may have about possible scenarios we want to avoid.

You can find a recording of the webinar here.

One of our panellists, John Torous, was unable to attend the webinar but kindly agreed to do an interview with me instead. You can find the 15 minute video here.

We will be writing up the key themes into a white paper and will share them with you in due course. 

“What a fabulous line up you managed to pull together for your ‘bending the curve’ webinar. Really stimulating and thought provoking discussion from the panel and input from other attendees in the chat. Thank you. Let’s hope that together, with some great minds like these, we can find a way forward and through covid-19 that takes us to a ‘new normal’ where digital technologies are embedded in services so effectively that we no longer talk about ‘digital’ as something separate in mental health.”