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SURE Recovery app

The Samaritans’ annual Suicide Statistics Report found that more than 1 in 20 people attempt suicide.

The same report shows that only a third of people who lose their life to suicide have been in contact with specialist #mentalhealth services in the year before their death.

Having someone to talk to in a time of crisis saves lives. Suicides can be prevented with timely, evidence-based interventions.

That’s why one of our engagement portals focuses on #rehabilitation

We aim to give people the tools to manage their physical and mental health. These tools can help them understand and tackle the factors that erode their well-being.

We designed and developed the SURE Recovery app alongside researchers at King’s College London in collaboration with people in recovery from substance abuse.

SURE Recovery is for people who are:

  • Using alcohol or other drugs
  • In recovery, or
  • Thinking about recovery

The app is free to use and has been designed to help people track their own rehabilitation journey. Further enabling them to achieve personal goals during the different stages of recovery.

On Samaritans awareness day, we would like to signpost this free resource to help you on your journey to better physical and mental health.

Whatever you’re going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. They are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call 116 123 for free.