Our chief innovation officer Dr Victoria Betton has partnered with Associate Director of Design and User Research at NHS Digital Matt Edgar and Deputy Director for design and user research at NHS Simon Dixon to introduce a new industry working group, set up to bring the NHS and tech sector together to advance the cause of user-centred design in health and care.
Right across the NHS and the tech sector there’s a growing movement of people with a passion for understanding patient and clinicians needs, and involving them in the design of services. Expertise in user-centred design can be found anywhere – in national organisations, local health and care systems, and the health tech industry.
By bringing this community together, we’ll be better able to advocate for user-centred design in all aspects of digital technology made by and for the NHS. With that in mind, TechUK, NHSX, and NHS Digital has formed an industry working group: the User-Centred Design Working Group.
The focus for the working group to gather experts and specialists from across the field to focus on different themes or challenges affecting the industry. For the first session, 20 members from TechUK and the NHS service manual public Slack workspace gathered to discuss the role of standards in user-centred design.
Read the full blog here: